
Highlight your work or projects here. Select from 3 different photo galleries. You can link to a gallery or video.  Customize all links and duplicate sections as needed. See the alternate gallery if you prefer a standard grid for photos or videos. 

This is my philosophy and why I am passionate about the work.

The ESSENCE of image creation will always be about CONNECTING.

project highlights

Let's talk. I'm baby edison bulb knausgaard tumeric, chia fingerstache etsy taiyaki 90's man bun yr gochujang prism polaroid magnum camera win.

Ready to work together?

Don't be satisfied with STORIES, how things have gone with others. Unfold your OWN myth.

― Rumi

Use this section to add any information about the project. Simply duplicate this canvas for each of your videos. 

video title

Director: Anna Lang
Producer: alan newman
cinematographer: Tim Smith
Editor: Joanna Sims
Graphics: Chris Malin

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